Auto rates

Our system can scan your city and show overview statistics on dashboard

Also you can automate your rates and set them accordingly latest city rates - stay on first page

Setup here: Channels > Autorates

Sample configuration:


Average Review - 90 days average review

Today rate - your rate from

Tomorrow rate - your rate from

AutoRate Min - Minimum possible rate
(Not to sell cheaper than)

AutoRate Min Plus - Increment from minimum city rate
(If city minimum rate is 20, you can add 1 Eur and be on second place)

AutoRate Avg - Increment from average city rate
(If city first page average is 30, you can +- 1 Eur and stay on first page)

AutoRate Max Minus - Decrement from maximum first page rate
(If city first page average is 40, you can - 1 Eur and stay on first page)

AutoRate Max - Maximum possible rate
(Not to sell more expensive than)

AutoRate by Review - System will add cents depending on 90d review
(Bad review listing will be sold a cheaper than Good ones)

After get today data you will get city rates table:
(Your listing will be underlined)

If you have any ideas or suggestions please contact us: [email protected]