
Ask a Question

Monthly rates

We operate on monthly basis payments is it possible to create kind of a "subscription" that each month charges respective value

Change status via API

Hi, when i try change status via API i get "Please provide order_id", please can you check it?

Can the credit card data be sent in the API?

Hello, can the credit card data from booking be sent to the API with the booking information?

"Support by emails, calls"

Where's the email and phone number to get support by premium users. I can't find any information.

Urgent - Booking.com Closed/Not bookable

I updated the nobeds calendar with rate and quantity, but the accommodation is Closed/Not bookable on booking.com. The booking.com calendar is correctly updated with the same rates and quantity but on booking.com extranet home page the accommodation shows Closed/Not bookable.

Add guest amount to the homepage

Please, add guests amount in the homepage in the arrivals/departures/stayovers next to each reservation so to get all needed informations without checking each reservation individually. Or even better add a customizability feature to select which infos of reservations to show in the homepage.

Bug: Incorrect country icons assigned in the reservation form on OnePage

When a client wants to make a reservation on OnePage (https://nobeds.app/OnePage), there is a bug in the form where the country code is selected. Countries are assigned the wrong flags. For example, Poland is displayed with a USA flag.

Set availability on non-blocked dates only

This is a feature request on how to manage available dates/room quantity in the calendar.

iCAL import and deleted events

I am using iCAL import to block dates from a Google Calendar that I update with a custom script. When I add an event in the Google Calendar, a new booking is generated by nobeds as expected. However I noticed that when I delete an event from the Google Calendar, the Nobeds booking is not deleted and the dates remain blocked in the Nobeds calendar even after I sync the iCAL connection. Is there a way for me to automatically free up the dates when I delete events from a synced calendar?

Yellow Cell

Hello Support, I hope you are doing well.