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Bug #8: Calculation of Total Sum

  • Create a booking for 80€ including CityTax 5% and Vat 7%
  • Remove the City Tax
  • The sum is then 81€ which is not correct. Should stay on 80€.

Bug #7: Invoice

Invoices are not sent on the button "trial" (Versuchen in German), if, then with a large delay.

Bug #6: Invoice

pdf Invoice is not in language chosen by guest

Bug #5: Announcement for arrival

Announcement for arrival information is sent 48h instead of 24hs prior to arrival (sent at 12:00h) as written on eMail Settings page.

Bug #4: proforma invoice

How can the proforma invoice be sent to a guest? Status change does not trigger the sending.

Bug #3: System eMails

  • Logo in approval email broken
  • Logo too large and not included in eMail text
  • Removal of upper part of approval eMail
  • Removal of booking number with link to nobed (guest has no login anyways)

Bug #2: Booking Calendar

  • Booking by Check-In Date
  • Select Calendar two month ahead
  • Change status of one booking
  • Page reloads but previously chosen calendar dates are ignored

Bug #1: Number of Checkouts in Menu

Real Check-ins and Check-Outs do not match the number shown in the menu (Check-In's today).

Improvement #11: pdf invoice

The pdf invoice contains buttons for language, export and print. These buttons should not be shown on the pdf as already requested by other users.

Improvement #10: Reply to eMails

eMails should include the field: reply-to and this field should include our hosts eMail adress. So guests are able to answer to our emails from the system.