
Ask a Question

Integrate reviews on an external web site

Is there an easy way to integrate reviews on an external site by adding specific html (just like you can add the calendar) ?

Direct booking always in Euro?

Hi, we set invoicing to ZAR, but direct booking and one page site shows Euro, logged out and in, tried various browsers.

iCal Import issue

Cannot sync ical import (example booking) - I get the below message:

Please let us know when is trip.com integration completes?

Please let us know when is trip.com integration completes?

Subscription Not Working


Is ostrovok.ru supported by nobeds. It can't be found in ostrovok extranet

I can't find the nobeds in the list of channel managers in ostrovok admin page
Is it with different name?

Calendar features stopped working


Booking.con availability sync is not working

I have connected with booking.com, the availability became 0 for all dates.
The nobeds availability is not syncing.
I am using paid version of nobeds. Please let me know what is the problem, how to fix?

Expedia sync problem - upload wrong rate and other mapping does not sync

I am seeing issue since last two days, my 1 bed mapping sync wrong rate with expedia and 2 beds is not sync at all Please help and fix this urgent.

auto sync problem with booing.com and airbnb

need to do it manually send in order to update the availability & rates