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Competition display

I can't figure out why the competion rates aren't being displayed on the dashboard even though the feature is active. Sometimes it works and then it doesn't.

APIs are down

All Apis are currently down returning 500 server error

Consuming the API from the browsers throws CORS error

Hi, is there a way to whitelist my domain on your servers to bypass the ?

Nobeds Pricing

Could you please precise paid plans pricing model? With “Cloud Plus
Monthly” plan how much will I pay in case of 1 hotel with 28 rooms? What exactly does 10€ per month mean - per hotel or per each room?

Booking Kids peer room

If guests make reservations via Booking.com for multiple rooms and put kids in them, every room in Nobeds will show the total number of reserved kids instead of the specific room's allocation.

Bug #11: Timeline is not correct

Bug #10: Paid Status

When airbnb is booking and sending the money, the status gets automatically set to PaidCC and the amount is set to 0€.

Improvement #13: Cleaning Status

When a room is set to "checked in" the cleaning status should change to "not clean".

Bug #9: Extra Rate - extra amount

We changed the Extra Amount on the "Extra Rate" page for booking.com.

Improvement #12: Status Change Check-Out and No-Arrival

In the pop up menu to change the status from check-in to check-out you might touch by accident on the phone "no-arrival". This status is directly sent to booking.com and cannot be corrected anymore.