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Can you add fields for guests to enter their creditcard details when placing a booking?

This should work when guests book via Onepage as well as when synching the booking details from external booking sites into Nobeds.

Can you add fields for guests to enter their creditcard details when placing a booking?

This should work when guests book via Onepage as well as when synching the booking details from external booking sites into Nobeds.


Hi, When Nobeds will connect with Trip.com?

onepage site

Good Morning


hello i upgrade it but it not reflect on my account .

Search dates in One Page Web site (Arabic Translation)

After changing language to Arabic in One Page Website, search returns unavailable rooms. It maybe due to using non-Arabic numerical.

Referral Idea

Implementing the ability to set referrals in the form of a selection list,

Shortcode Total_amount is not working.

I just create 2ed449d4-2187-42e3-b8b1-4f582f165254 or ID 1807901 in order to check the shortcode and it is not working. If it is not working with a reservation made with nobeds it wont work with any other reservation neither booking nor expedia.

Translation PT

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