Improvement #10: Reply to eMails
eMails should include the field: reply-to and this field should include our hosts eMail adress. So guests are able to answer to our emails from the system.
Improvement #9: manual sending of reminder emails
When guests book last minute they do not receive reminder emails anymore.
Improvement #8: Short Codes
Please open the short codes in a new window and not in the same window where I am adding the emails of nobeds.app.
Improvement #7: Logo in eMails
The logo is not embedded in the emails sent by the system like an approval eMail.
Improvement #6: Price adjusted to number of guests
When we do a direct booking the price is not adjusted when more than one guest is entered. If the room price is dependend on the number of guests it would be nice to update this automatically.
Improvement #5: approval eMail
The eMail contains a link to nobeds.app with details to the booking. But the guest cannot open the link anyways because he cannot log in.
Improvement #4: German translation
The German translation needs to be updated, corrected and additional translations made which are right now still in English.
Improvement #3: Safebox
The safebox information needs to be entered for every booking, is it possible to enter it globally for a key safe?
Improvement #2: Calendar on phone
Calendar does not really work on a phone (popup information and click to edit). When touching a booking on the calendar, I cannot see the popup because it is moved to the left of the screen. And it always opens the detailed booking page right away.
Improvement #1 - GUI editing bookings
Open a booking and edit it, then change the status from "new" to "approved" -> the editing is gone because page gets reloaded.