Airbnb Pending Verification Status
Dear NoBeds,
we receive time to time booking from AirBnB in a "pending_verification" status.
Talking with the AirBnB support, after about 1 hour these reservations become active reservations in "Pending" status otherwise dropped down in a kind of "Verification Failed" status (so we have been told). In the last case the listing will be opened to the booking again.
Apparently that Failed status is not properly managed on Nobeds because we keep seeing on the calendar the listing locked without any reservation on it. We see the reservation just looking for it in the Bookings section.
We currently have a case on Dec 27, 3 nights, listing "Yotsu Tsuta (4)", order id: 2169715.
Please let us know if we can open the listing of you need the case a little more for your verifications.
Thank you very much for the support,
Kokonoe Machiya